2010年9月2日 星期四

My Final Fantasy Timeline - Continued

Continued from my previous post

After I have completed Final Fantasy VIII, I wanted more. When I had the chance, I went to the shops and asked if there were other Final Fantasies available, they said they had VII and IX, also X was about to be released on the PlayStation 2. I was sooo excited that I wanted to get them all. But as a poor kid back then, I couldn't afford games, and I didn't own a PS for myself, and the PS2 was way too expensive at that time, I think it was around the $1200 mark. I went home a little down but excited that there are plenty of Final Fantasies out there available for me to play and explore!
However it kinda stopped here. I had to return the PS and the games, and I didn't have any ways of playing Final Fantasy. Even though I couldn't play it, I still thought about it, the unforgettable scenes of Final Fantasy VIII... Squall rescuing Rinoa in space... The flash backs in Trabia Garden... The amazing ending... the music... everything. I just couldn't stop myself from thinking about what other Final Fantasies will bring me, the endless possibilities and thoughts. 

and time went on... and on... and on.....

It's now 2003 and Final Fantasy X has been out for almost a year. I finally got a hold of a PS2, and FFX, both which were borrowed as well. I started playing and instantly, it became my favourite game. I loved the characters, I loved the music, To me, an even better story line than VIII and I loved everything about the game. Literally everything. I could not believe that a game, that people play to enjoy would have such an emotional impact on me. I couldn't believe that I would shed tears over a game. FFX was more than a game. It was a journey, it was better than movies, better than TV series, it reigned above all games. It was simply the best. 

At the year of 2004, I finally own a PS2 for myself. I was able to get copies of Final Fantasy VII to X and played through them. I enjoyed every single one of them and Final Fantasy became an addiction, a good addiction. As time passes, my love for Final Fantasy didn't thin out, but grew stronger, and I know I will love it forever! It's Final Fantasy!

1995ish: Played FFIII but didn't really know it was the 'Final Fantasy' lol
2001: Played and understood my first real Final Fantasy, FFVIII.
2003: Played FFX and it became my favourite story and game of all time.
2004: Bought myself a PS2 and finished VII and X-2.
2005: Replayed VIII and X, also started playing XI as Tacco on the Titan server.
2006: Finished XII and IX. Also got my hands on a PSP
2007: Finished Crisis Core in Japanese and finished FFII anniversary edition. 
2008: Stopped playing FFXI, Bought a PS3.
2009: Owning up in Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Finished Dirge of Cerberus.
2010: Finished XIII in Japanese, Getting platinum trophy late January. Playing through VI
Today: Waiting for more FF games especially Agito, Versus, and XIV!

Thats my general FF life in a nutshell!
I have played other Square games like Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean and Valkyria Profile but this I will talk about them in another post since this is FF only!

